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Billing & Billing Adjustment Requests
Billing & Billing Adjustment Requests
All billing and adjustment requests must be submitted using the Billing/Adjustment Template. To download a copy of the template form, click the button below. Make sure to include the full name of the synagogue and synagogue acronym on the form.
Click to Download Billing and Adjustment Template
After completing the template, submit via the Kesef 2.0 Communications Form.
Click Here for Kesef 2.0 Communications Form
Billing & Adjustment Template Tutorial
Billing & Billing Adjustment Written Instructions
Column Descriptions
A - Indicate whether it is a new billing (B) or a billing adjustment (A).
B - Full Account Name
C - The amount to bill or the amount of the adjustment.
Tip: To make it clear when requesting an adjustment that you would like the existing billing reduced by the amount indicated, please enter the amount as a negative number
D - The date you would like the billing to have. If requesting an adjustment, indicate the date of the existing billing.
E - The valid ShulCloud Charge Type (See instructions below)
F - Optional: any note that should be entered in Shulcloud for billing. If the billing relates to an In Honor Of (IHO) or In Memory of (IMO) donation, the details should be indicated in this column.
G - Any action you would like Kesef to take relating to payment for this billing. Example: Please charge credit card ending in 4213 on file, or setup 12 recurring ACH/Echeck monthly payments beginning 8/1/21 using account number 5232 on file.
H - M - Indicate the type of adjustment. Reports can be run based on reversal types.
Sample Form
About Charge Types
You can locate the list of charge types within the Shulcloud app. There are a few ways to view charge types in Shulcloud:
- Navigate to Admin Menu > My Lists > Charge Types.
- Tip: You can export this list for easy future reference
- Navigate to Admin Menu > Reports > Quickbooks Account Mapping
- Tip: You can hide or adjust the columns before exporting this report.
Important: Remember to use the Charge Type and NOT the Quickbooks General Ledger codes.
After the Form is Submitted
Our team will process the request as soon as possible, in most cases completing it within 48 hours. Payment plans and refunds may take longer. When possible, we start processing your request immediately. For this reason, if you have any changes to a billing/adjustment sheet already submitted, please DO NOT submit the same sheet with added/or corrected items. Please submit any additions or corrections on a new/separate billing/adjustment sheet.
You will not receive a "completed" email. If additional information is needed to process your request, your Kesef SC Representative will contact you. We look forward to taking care of your bookkeeping needs.
Rest assured, if you are having trouble or are unsure, Kesef is here to help, do not hesitate to contact your Kesef SC A/R Rep. for assistance or fill out this form.
Thu, February 27 2025
29 Shevat 5785
Shabbat Day
Havdalah : 2:06pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Terumah
Shabbat, Mar 1 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Feb 28, 12:58pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 1, 2:06pm |
Rosh Chodesh Adar
Friday, Feb 28 |
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