Using Adobe For Deposit File Text Comments
Using Adobe For Deposit File Text Comments
Scan, annotate, and send your deposits using the Kesef remote deposit scanner. Deposits can be made at any time, and you can have multiple deposits in a day.
In the case where cash application instructions have not been added to checks prior to scanning, you will need to add information to the deposit report file. Using Adobe is one of the ways to add cash application instructions after the checks have been scanned and the report file has been created.
Adding Text Comments is step three of four, but it is an optional step. If cash application instructions were written on the checks prior to scanning, you can skip to step 4: submit your deposit. For more information, refer to the make a deposit using the Kesef remote deposit scanner process outline.
in order to successfully add comments to the deposit file, you will need to:
- Complete step 1: Create a deposit
- Complete Step 2: Create a deposit report file
Use Adobe for Deposit File Text Comments
1. Open the Adobe application on your desktop
2. Select the Tools (A) tab, and select Comment. Alternatively, you can select Use Now (B) under the Comment option in the recommended tools section
3. Click Select a File and locate the deposit report file
4. On the Comment Toolbar, choose the Add Text Comment icon
5. On the Comment Toolbar, Select the Aa icon to change the font color and size. Note: we recommend changing the font to red or another color that stands out.
6. Click on the document where you need to add the cash application instructions (SC Charge Type)
Note: Add cash application instructions for each check.
7. Once items have been annotated, select File > Save to save your changes.
Before you save the document, be sure to UNCLICK Sanitize and Remove Hidden Information. (If this is selected it will make the document blurry)
Annotation Examples:
Next Steps:
The next step in the deposit process is to submit your deposit.
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